Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Adoption Journey Begins!

We had our first adoption class last night. Well, it was technically orientation. We are going into all of this so blindly. There were so many forms to fill out. Do you have excessive debt? Um, can we talk about this one later? What kind of dog do you own? A very sweet pit bull. How many extra beds do you have? None. Give the names and social security numbers of everyone living in your home. Oiy! Yes, this is all definitely blind faith. Sometimes I am tempted to say, no, now is not a good time. We have about nothing in savings and don't really know how we pay our bills some months. We don't technically have the room for another child, but have ideas on some possibilities to fit in another child or two if we can just save some money to pay for that. I'm fine with not having much and learning how to get creative to pay the bills. I enjoy not having cable. I love giving to the charities we give to faithfully and holding everything else loosely. I love that my kids love their dog (even though her stinkiness and stubborn disposition drive me a little nuts most days.) I think it's character building to tell my kids that we can't have certain things because it is not in our budget. I am pretty open with our finances, so they know that we spend about half of our grocery budget on fresh organic fruits and veggies so that they will be healthy and that we live on a tight budget so that I can stay home and home school them. Well, maybe the 10 year old knows that. The little ones don't care if we go to the park or to the place that costs money, but they'll get the picture one day. But when you try to explain all of this on a form that asks specific questions, is easy to doubt and to just wait until all is in order. I have to remind myself that God's word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path (psalm 119). He sometime reveals just enough for me to take the next step. All I need to do is follow Him and trust that He will guide (as if that's so easy for a control freak like myself). It may not be the easiest path that He takes me on, but it will be the best one. I am about to research how to install dry wall. Yes, this is all so character building!


  1. Loved reading this, Mika! You've got your stuff together--the important stuff, that is. Everything else will fall in place on this amazing journey :) Keep writing, keep us posted.--Kimberly

  2. Thanks, Kim! I appreciate the encouragement. I will definitely keep everyone posted. (The writing is very therapeutic!) This is such a new venture, so all we can do is trust God through it, which is a beautiful thing!

  3. What an amazing journey, Mika!

    The forms and questions...they definitely represent the world's perspective on adoption. What counter-balances that is God's truth about adoption.

    While the world's perspective can be loud and overwhelming, (and yes, the forms need to be filled out and yadda yadda,) I just want to encourage you to stay anchored in God's view of adoption. :)

    1. Yes, that is the challenge. It's funny how you can know something with your head, but doubt it with your heart when fears and inadequacies come into the picture. Isn't Satan crafty?! Thank you, Christina, for the encouragement. I know that this is just the beginning of the doubts and uncertainties. Gosh, I have so many about my biological children on a regular basis. So, staying anchored in God is definitely a must!

  4. p.s. "TrueHeartedOne" = Christina K. :)
