Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Conversation with My Love

This is just a snippet of why I love being married to my husband:

On the way home from adoption class tonight, Jon and I had a conversation that went something like this:
Jon:  We have a ton of paperwork to fill out, but it's not that big of a deal when you look at the reward.
Me:  Yeah, this is our work time - kinda like pregnancy and labor. haha
Jon:  Yes, I know all about that. I've been through it three times.
Me:  I hope you have kidney stones one day so that comment can be true.
Jon:  laughs

Now, I just have to say that I really don't wish kidney stones on him. I just wanted to make a point. Plus, that silly banter is common between us. I just love how we can joke with each other and not take everything so seriously. It took a little bit for us to get used to each other. He has a unique sense of humor, which has helped through 3 labors and, most recently, a Sunday afternoon jog. He makes me laugh more than anyone else and I adore him. I should also add that he is such a calming influence in my life. I had my weekly anxieties about where bedrooms will go and how much work we need to do on our home and how we have no budget for any of this, and he just calmly put that all into perspective. I am blessed!

Me and Jon this summer in Washington DC. Love him!


  1. *smile* :)

    Y'all are a great team.

    And thanks for the encouragement to appreciate the things I love about my own hubby.
