So I realized something about myself. I am on the crazy cycle. I heard a quote once that reminds me of myself. It goes something like: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I'd like to thank my sweet friends who talk me through my anxieties. I realized, I have my anxieties because I fail to embrace the same truth that is constantly getting re-revealed to me. What is that truth? The truth is that the single most important thing is worship. Funny thing is I just read this on someone else's blog a couple of days ago. I read it and thought, "Sounds good, I guess." and then kept reading. See, worship is one of those churchy words that we tend to pass over - or at least I do. It doesn't mean singing like so many churches often elude to. Worship (as defined at is "reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred." See, we were made for God. We were made in His likeness and are His creation and are meant to worship Him. Now, it is through that worship that other purposes are revealed, like loving our children and spouse well and serving others and caring for the widows and the orphans and doing unto the least of these. But it all starts with worship. My husband and I were talking about the Lord's Prayer and he mentioned the part that says "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." He was talking about a sermon he heard on the importance of bringing God's kingdom to earth. But then I realized that before that part it says, "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name." His name is hallowed, meaning holy or sacred. We need to first acknowledge just how sacred God is before we can be a part of His kingdom coming to earth. So, in the busyness of this season, I can only see and hear God when I stop and worship Him. period. I cannot use God as a means to some end. God himself has to be the end. Now, I'm not saying that I am going to simply pray and sing and meditate all day. No, truly worshiping Him means carrying out the commands God gives us in His word. We honor God by loving well and by living out the example He set before us, but only when we make it all about God. When we exalt our actions or our choices or our character, even when they are good, we take the focus off of God. So, when I make my focus my kids or our adoption process, I stop worshiping God and start worshiping my kids and the fact that we are adopting. The song below has been a great reminder that I am made for God. I hope you enjoy it! (If Christian music is not your niche, I'd like to encourage you to go to youtube and read the lyrics below the video.)
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